Health Effects of Too Much Exercise

Health Effects of Too Much Exercise

Studies have confirmed that maintaining an active lifestyle offers multiple health benefits, including good heart health, increased productivity, reduced stress, a strong immune system, and improved sleep. On the contrary, too much exercise can have adverse effects on your health.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), every adult only needs around 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week and 75 minutes of strenuous workout for overall well-being. Exceeding that can put your life in danger. It can particularly result in physical burnout, commonly known as overtraining syndrome (OTS).

What is an Overtraining Syndrome (OTS)?

Overtraining syndrome is simply a condition in which a person experiences extreme fatigue and low performance despite increased and constant training. It happens when an individual is unable to recover from a recent competition or intense training.

Common Health Effects of OTS

Apart from sleep disturbances, increased anger, irritability, personality changes, and frequent illnesses, here are the other adverse effects of overtraining syndrome:

Chronic Injury

We always want to go beyond our limits when losing weight or achieving our dream physique. So, we are likely to overutilize our joints and muscles, leading to excruciating pain. Body ache is common among people after exercise. That is why we think it is normal. But experts say that when an injury (like a Sciatic nerve injury) is left untreated for days, it can become chronic and result in other problems you have never imagined in the first place. Before you do anything you would then, need a Sciatica Treatment! In cases such as this, it may also happen that you will never be able to do high-impact exercise again, or you may need to rely on pain relief medication or medical marijuana for long periods of time. While medical marijuana sounds fun, there can be some difficulties taking it (such as:, but most importantly, you’re taking it for a condition you could have avoided. Therefore after an injury or after consistent high-impact exercise, consult a licensed and experienced professional right away.

Hormonal Dysfunction

Apart from the physical pain, OST causes hormonal dysfunction. It affects epinephrine, cortisol, and other stress hormones. Any hormonal imbalance can trigger poor concentration, irritability, sleeping problems, and even depression. If you show any of these signs, do not lose hope. Take a few weeks of rest. Eat what you usually eat. Find time for yourself to unwind. You can visit some of your favorite destinations on your bucket list. Overall, never forget to surround yourself with the people whom you trust the most. Their unending and unconditional support will always bring positivity to your life.

Extreme Fatigue

Exercise is good without a doubt. But having too much of a workout won’t do you any good. After an intense exercise, our body needs to recover and refuel. Studies show that our muscles require anywhere from 24 to 72 hours to recuperate. If we still feel sore, it is all right to pass the 72-hour mark. What matters is that we get enough rest. Quality sleep and relaxing our whole bodies can do the trick. Deciding to Buy Concentrates Online is a great option to consider when you want to increase the amount and quality of sleep that you receive daily, and what’s more, its properties enable you to relax, which is also beneficial for your muscles. As well as this, it is also important to get hydrated, perform light exercise, and eat a healthy meal every day. You will definitely feel the benefits after a while.


Hormonal imbalance goes beyond affecting a good level of cortisol and epinephrine in the body. It also affects our normal hunger or satiety processes. Usually, increased exercise boosts hunger. Unfortunately, the overtraining syndrome can do the opposite and result in anorexia. Anorexia is defined as an eating disorder caused by a low body weight, distorted perception of weight, and fear of gaining a pound. Physical symptoms are insomnia, drastic weight loss, dizziness, dehydration, low blood pressure, yellowish skin, and more. Emotional symptoms include excessive exercise, food intake restriction, skipping meals, social withdrawal, irritability, etc. Consult a medical professional if you suffer from anorexia! Eating disorder treatment can also be done using therapies such as hypnotherapy, which might help anorexics return to a state of health and wellness by rebalancing the digestive system and gut.

A Decline in Athletic Performance

People associate overtraining to a high athletic performance. If you think the same way, you are mistaken. Studies confirmed that physical burnout leads to a decline in athletic performance. A person’s agility could be impaired. The reaction time may be slower than usual. The running speed may be reduced. Strength and endurance are also decreased. The safest way to increase performance on the court is to vary your workout, stay hydrated, or take approved supplements. For further details, please feel free to ask a health professional.

Impaired Metabolism

Another effect of overtraining syndrome is impaired metabolism. Metabolism refers to the chemical processes in our body. The faster our metabolism, the more calories our body requires. But overtraining can impair our metabolism, resulting in frequent sugar cravings, obesity, hypothyroidism, and high blood sugar. To keep your metabolism in good shape, proper and responsible training is always th