Category Archives: Science

What’s Holistic Health All About? Most people associate holistic health with alternative medicine. I am not here to teach you herbal drugs, acupuncture needles, or new treatment methods. I want you to have an open mind. Think about improving your life and general health. An important thing to note is that wellness is not simply the absence of physical pain or disease. Physical health and mental health are in complete accord. They co-exist such that if one suffers, the other follows suit. Check out 2 important practices we should incorporate into our daily life to embrace holistic health. Feed the Stomach Without Forgetting the Brain! Holistic health should be our lifestyle and not just how we eat. There are countless diets to choose from. But determining the foods we can enjoy fully without depriving our body of vital nutrients is not easy. The good news is that if we perceive…

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Personality Shift

Between our teenage and adult years, we all go through a range of changes – unfortunate haircuts, jobs and relationships come and go. But what about who you are at your core? As you grow older, does your personality change? Personality is the pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviours unique to a person. People tend to think of personality as an aspect of a person that is unchanging. But according to psychologists, that is not how it works. “Personality is a developmental phenomenon. It is not just a static thing that you are stuck with and cannot get over,” an expert psychologist says. That is not to say that you are a different person each and every day. In the short term, change can be nearly imperceptible, according to a study that surveyed the personalities of participants regularly over many years. This suggest suggests that our personality is actually fairly…

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Never Gain Weight

It is one of life’s great injustices, some people must be extremely careful about what they eat in order to maintain a healthy weight, while others can eat all the deep fried food they like and see no dramatic shift in their weight. So how does this work? What are they doing that you are not? There is not a straightforward answer to this question, nutrition experts say, “There is genetic, nutritional, and even behavioural factors involved,”. Apparently, the extent to which each of those factors come into play in any given individual will vary. One of the most critical factors has little to do with body type, metabolism, or performing a spell during a full moon. It is perception. Many people appear to eat whatever they like without gaining weight are not actually eating more than the rest of us, experts note. For example, your friend who eats ice…

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