How to Use Cardio for Belly Fat Loss

How to Use Cardio for Belly Fat Loss

Cardio is any exercise that involves the utilization of oxygen in the muscles. Cardiovascular workouts are also known as aerobic exercises. A lot of people keep asking, “Is cardio enough to burn belly fat?” Here is what we want you to know.

Belly Fat Cannot Disappear Overnight

The stubborn weight at the midsection is hard to spot-reduce. However, you can lose it by targeting total body fat with cardio, other exercises, and a consistent diet. Note that some workouts burn calories faster than others. Moreover, cardio works best for belly fat loss when combined with HIIT and resistance training. How exactly does cardio help us with losing belly fat?

  • By increasing the heart rate and keeping it in the aerobic state for a particular period of time
  • Through respiration and controlled breathing
  • Through the use of large muscle groups to increase energy demand

Popular types of cardio exercises include cycling, jogging, swimming, walking, and rope jumping. In the gym, cardio machines range from recumbent bikes, elliptical, treadmill, stair climbers, and rowers. Combining these with weight training at least twice a day helps to increase the rate of fat loss around our stomach. This does require time and patience, and could not prove to be the fittest option for people looking for quicker ways to achieve a toned body. Those people can, however, opt for Irving body contouring or the one in their location, to get the same results or even better, but with little or no effort.

Understanding the Caloric Deficit

Unless our body goes into a caloric deficit, we are not going to lose any fat. We should aim at burning more calories than we consume daily. The amount of fat we lose depends on how much cardio time we dedicate throughout the week. There is no one-size-fits-all as to how much cardio is needed to lose weight. Many factors come into play including our genetic makeup and diet.

Working out all day long on the treadmill is not necessary. The machine only gives a rough estimate of the metabolic rate. Instead of focusing on the numbers appearing on the console, we should check our intensity if we are serious about weight loss goals. Going harder with shorter busts to burn more calories throughout the day helps.

Do Cardio Exercises Burn Belly Fat?

Yes. Cardio can burn fat around the belly, but it is not the only solution. Your body uses fat as fuel under low-intensity training. The fat-burning zone is about 65% of the maximum heart rate. But this is not the most important thing. The caloric expenditure is what counts. So, if we want to burn more calories, then we should increase the intensity.

What Cardiovascular Workouts Burn More Fat?

An activity that burns calories in the shortest time is the best for weight loss. Often, exercises involving large muscle groups on the lower torso work best at moderate to high intensity. We can burn any amount between 140 and 300 calories, with cardio in 30 minutes. For the best results, we should consider bicycling, hiking, dancing, swimming, and walking. Furthermore, adding a good fat burner supplement from a good fitness site could help expedite the process. We can also alternate between low-intensity and HIIT workouts so that our bodies may have sufficient time to recover. Mixing cardio with yoga and strength training twice a week proves helpful here.

Cardio and Resistance Training

It’s important to strike a balance between cardio and resistance training to achieve our goals of losing belly fat. While cardio is beneficial for overall health, it may not be the most efficient fat-burning activity. By incorporating resistance training into our routine, we can significantly reduce the risk of injury and enhance our results. It’s recommended to engage in resistance training about three times a week, focusing on opposing muscle groups such as the chest and back. Not only does resistance training improve mobility, but it also helps build strength. Popular cardio exercises include running, cycling, and swimming. Running can be done outdoors or on a treadmill, while cycling can be done using a stationary bike or outdoors. Swimming is a low-impact exercise that engages the entire body. If you have a home pool, you can get it ready for swimming by calling in cleaners from websites like This ensures a clean and safe environment for your workout.


Forget the pre-workout fast. After a meal, give yourself 90 minutes before embarking on cardio. It is advisable for us to take lighter meals that are easily digestible e.g. low-fat yogurt, fruits, and granola. We should take enough water to compensate for the water lost through sweat. We should also ensure that our nutritional plan offers the right nutrients without adding extra calories. Many people underestimate the number of calories they consume but overestimate how much they burn with cardio. You may want to incorporate nutritional powders into your diet and fitness routine, if you do, you can learn more over at