Monthly Archives: May 2021

I have been going in and out of the gym for months. To be honest, it’s daunting. While seeing more people exercise is inspiring, it is exhausting and stressful. So, I decided to build my home gym. I tell you what, it was not easy, too. Instead of extending my space, I just turned an empty room into a gym. And guess what, I cut unnecessary costs. Although if you want to build a home gym but don’t have the space to do so you could invest in a custom backyard shed from websites like this one which will provide the perfect space for your home gym experience. Then, I began looking for the equipment I needed. Again, it was a confusing experience because there are multiple options to pick from. If you also decided to have your home gym and are a bit confused about different fitness equipment,…

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Studies have confirmed that maintaining an active lifestyle offers multiple health benefits, including good heart health, increased productivity, reduced stress, a strong immune system, and improved sleep. On the contrary, too much exercise can have adverse effects on your health. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), every adult only needs around 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week and 75 minutes of strenuous workout for overall well-being. Exceeding that can put your life in danger. It can particularly result in physical burnout, commonly known as overtraining syndrome (OTS). What is an Overtraining Syndrome (OTS)? Overtraining syndrome is simply a condition in which a person experiences extreme fatigue and low performance despite increased and constant training. It happens when an individual is unable to recover from a recent competition or intense training. Common Health Effects of OTS Apart from sleep disturbances, increased anger, irritability, personality changes, and frequent illnesses,…

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